I just saw our missing dog!! The one thats been missing for a few months...I actually saw her!! That makes me so happy cause now I know she's still around. and apparently someone has been taking care of her because she looked really healthy and she was running with another dog. Unfortunately, I didn't catch her. I do think that she wants to come here because when I saw her the first time she was looking at her doghouse, and she was still looking at it when she was running with the other dog back into the woods. So now I'm watching for her...and between Cledus and Clementine they'll let me know if she comes back again.
In other news I talked to the oral surgeons office a little bit ago and they said I will be able to drive myself home tomorrow, so at least thats good news.
Built in approximately 1867, but with history constantly contradicting itself, we really have no idea when it was truly built. We are trying to do a full restoration while leaving pieces of the former owners.
Monday, March 31, 2008
A Completed Project!!
On Saturday we made a 2+ hour trip home with this...
So we could make this...
Look like this
It took forever to get the tractor to our house for several reasons. It was at his parents house (about 15-20 miles away), and we ran about 10mph all the way, breaking down every few miles till about 5 miles from home, then it gave up and had to be towed. I followed him in the truck, and had to keep pulling him to get it restarted, then when it gave up his dad came and took over and towed him the rest of the way.
In the end it was all worth it though. That gravel was delivered over a year ago, the picture was taken in august (I think) and its now level! And we have an extra parking space! He tried to start filling in some of the holes and smooth the ruts, but the ground was so wet all he was doing was making even worse ruts in other areas of the yard. So next weekend he's going to get all that straightened out. As long as we don't get any more rain.
I won't be making any more posts for a little while because I am having oral surgery tomorrow. They haven't shared with me yet if they are cutting or pulling, or if they are numbing or knocking me out. I have no idea what to expect so I am planning for the worst (knocked out and cutting) and will probably be out of commission for a few days.
In the end it was all worth it though. That gravel was delivered over a year ago, the picture was taken in august (I think) and its now level! And we have an extra parking space! He tried to start filling in some of the holes and smooth the ruts, but the ground was so wet all he was doing was making even worse ruts in other areas of the yard. So next weekend he's going to get all that straightened out. As long as we don't get any more rain.
I won't be making any more posts for a little while because I am having oral surgery tomorrow. They haven't shared with me yet if they are cutting or pulling, or if they are numbing or knocking me out. I have no idea what to expect so I am planning for the worst (knocked out and cutting) and will probably be out of commission for a few days.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Best Worst Birthday Ever
I haven't been posting lately because no work has been done. I spent my birthday (the 18th) in the dentists office in severe, horrible pain being told I have a massive infection, and need to have surgery. What a way to spend my birthday, huh? Which means I have been loaded up on medication so I can't do any work on the house. Luckily I celebrated on the 15th, so I did get to have some fun, just not on my actual birthday. I got to see friends that I haven't seen in over a year, get drunk on pineapple upside down cake (the drink), and just have a great time.
Here we are at Brewsky's in Mt. Carmel....me, Tiff, Sid, and Jen (I'm already drunk, thats why I look like that)
Then this weekend I was feeling better and my best friend gave me the best birthday present ever...
Tickets to Seether, Breaking Benjamin, and Three Days Grace!!! It was in Indianapolis, the fastest selling out concert in the history of the Pepsi Colliseum, and my first real concert ever! I had a lot of fun, but left before it was over because my jaw was starting to hurt really bad again. Seether was great, but Breaking Benjamin had the best show...lots of pyrotechnics, the lead singer crowd surfed, great light show, and had a surprise...the singer for the Deftones! We got to hear Change(in the house of Flies) in the middle of the show! James didn't really have much fun, but I kind of expected that. Country boy at a hard rock show...not going to go over well, but he was a trooper and didn't complain at all through the whole thing. I took a ton of pictures but the one on here is my favorite.
Here we are at Brewsky's in Mt. Carmel....me, Tiff, Sid, and Jen (I'm already drunk, thats why I look like that)
I am scheduled to have surgery on the 1st, so it'll be a while before I get back to working on the house, but as soon as I do I'll get back to posting regularly again.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A New Mystery
The weird part it that I had been on James for weeks to move the tubing for the sump pump because the ground was eroding and I have been freaking out about the foundation holding up to losing all the soil. However, if he had moved it like I wanted him to we would have never found these. Oh, and the pipe in the picture is the exhast pipe off my Kia. It fell off this past summer and James used it to redirect some of the water...must be a guy thing cause I would have never thought of that! I think that might qualify as more redneck DIY.
Isn't that a beautiful site to wake up to? Yeah...not so much.
This was taken from the kitchen window behind the stove. Lucky for them they are not on our property. I am seriously pissed about the situation though. That is a huge drill they are using to get soil samples for the railroad that (supposedly) is not even going to be going through here. They are about 20 feet off of our property, driving our dogs crazy, and using our driveway for parking. Without even asking! The parking wouldn't be a big deal except that its only one lane so while this guy was parked there I couldn't leave the house! I talked to James and the police and we decided to get no trespassing signs that way if they do it again it can be towed at their expense. Because if they park there again it will be trespassing. I don't usually get this worked up about stuff, but they are not supposed to be on our property, and there is a driveway in the field where that car could have parked. Ok...I think I've ranted enough about this.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Our Weekend
As a lover of old houses it upsets me to see an old house being torn down. But unless you own it you really have no control over it. We noticed the windows removed from this house in January and it took a while but we finally managed to contact the owners, Mark and Becca Ewing, and they let us salvage it...for free! They had one request though that we were more than happy to follow...they wanted to know about and keep anything interesting that we found. Which turned out to only be some foundation grates.
The house was built in 1911 so its newer than ours. It has hardwood floors, ceilings, walls, and frames! All the rooms have wood slat walls except the living room, which had tons of beadboard.
We salvaged all the beadboard we could, the floors (we think they're red oak), the wall slats, and 2x4's. We couldn't save as much as we wanted to due to asbestos insulation and termites. But we did get quite a bit, so it was worth it. We have to go back and pick the stuff up, and try to get some more of the floor boards out, but we're pretty much done. Once we have everything gone they are going to bulldoze the house in and then have the fire department do a controlled burn.
We are putting everything in our barn for now. We are going to use the bead board in the bathroom and laundry room, the floorboards are back up in case one of ours breaks, and the wood slats are the same size as whats in our bathroom ceiling and porch ceiling.
Thanks again to Mark and Becca!
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