I'm a little behind on posting, so there will probably be several posts over the next few days. I hadn't realized that it has been nearly two months since my last post so there's a lot of catching up. Things have been a little busy here. I am between classes at school right now so I don't have my camera which means no pictures right now. But they're coming.
Since my last post James got the garage cleaned up and installed a woodburner in there so he can be warm while working on cars when it's around zero degrees out (like it has been lately). He's also been slaving away at my moms truck when he hasn't been sick.
Not much has been going on inside the house though. I didn't get the dining room done cause I was working so hard on finals I kinda forgot about it. It paid off though, I just found out I made the deans list!! But we didn't have dinner here this year. Maybe I'll get it done by next year. Actually I'm hoping we have it done by next year cause I don't think I can look at it in the state it's in for another year.
For Christmas I got an antique curio cabinet that I think originally belong to James grandma, although his parents bought it for me from his uncles dad, and it came with a lot of antique glass, buttons and thimbles that had belonged to his grandma and great grandma. As soon as it gets warm out I'm going to refinish it and I think it's going to go in the living room until I decide where I want it to stay permanently.
School has started again so that and work and playing Wii Fit (I also got a Wii and Wii Fit for Christmas) and cleaning and playing more Wii and homework are about all I've been doing.
I'll be posting pictures of the woodburner, the clean garage (which is like a miracle...it was a disaster), and the cabinet before too long