This saucer is a piece of a set of dishes that we use everyday. The set was given to me by one of my managers at K Mart when I got my first apartment. I was talking to her and she asked if I needed anything and I told her I needed everything but I was slowly working on it. She said that she had a lot of kithen things that were in storage from her first marriage and said I could have whatever I wanted. So of course being 19 and broke, I took her up on her offer. I got tons of tupperware, pots and pans (still in their original box and never used), glasses, utensils, and this set of dishes (which were also never used and still in the box). I offered to pay her, but she said no, that she was just happy to get it out of the basement and see them used. These dishes have been with me since, and we are really hard on them. Two plates have been broken, and I think 3 bowls (we have the cats to thank for that...they knocked them off the counter). So I was thinking about selling them in a yard sell since we have 2 other sets of dishes and I'm trying to cut down on clutter and we don't need 3 sets of dishes. I was going to sell them for $5 since I have used them for a long time and there are pieces missing but I decided (out of curiosity) to look them up on
http://www.replacements.com/ and see if I had the missing pieces how much the set would be worth, or if the replacement pieces are cheap enough to order them and then sell the set at a higher value. I really didn't expect them to have them because I thought this was just a cheap set of dishes. Boy was I wrong! Not only do they have them, but they are worth more than the antique Notitake China that we have! One dinner plate is worth $15.99! Each cup and saucer is $9.99!
I am just in shock about this because they were given to me, we abuse the crap out of them, and they are worth more than the expensive dishes we got as a wedding gift, and the antique Noritake china I found at a yard sale for cheap(that ended up being worth a small fortune). And there's also the fact that I have never even heard of this brand, where the others are big names in china! So I think instead of selling them for super cheap in a yard sale I'm going to see how much that website will give me for them. And then I'm going to take that money and use it to get the dining room restoration going again.
1 comment:
I really enjoyed the story about your Scandia Blue dish set. I found 3 plates of this design in a Catholic resale store. They were each $1. Something about them spoke to me and I am kicking myself for not getting a few more. I love the dainty pattern and the feel of the plates. My husband had been sick and money tight so I only got the 3. Hope you were able to sell your set so you could restore your dining room! Thanks for the story!
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