Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I finally got pics of the house!

This is the front of the house from the highway. Isn't it cute? Oh, I got the bistro set on the porch for $10 at a yard sale last year! And the house doesn't lean...I'm just not very good with a camera.
Another view...excuse the weeds, the weed eater is "sick"
This is the other side. That door goes into the laundry room and is also the entrance we use. The front doors are not in use due to an issue with the skeleton key. As in we're afraid to carry it. And that is another load of rock for the driveway, even though it's slowly spreading to the yard...


pedalpower said...

Very cute...just like a dollhouse!

essbdee said...

Hi! I found your blog through houseblogs.net Random question possibly but why are you afraid to carry the skeleton keys and why does this put the door out of commision? Granted I live in England, but these kind of locks and keys are still very common.

BeccaMarie said...

Hi Sarah! Thanks for visiting! Skeleton keys and locks are actually not very common in the area where we live. I'm afraid to carry them because they are original to the house and I don't want to lose them (I lose things a lot) also, we leave the keys in the locks turned sideways so the locks can't be picked. I know that sounds strange, but we live on a busy highway and with nothing in the lock it can be picked very easily. Eventually we are going to fix that. Until then we leave the keys like that and have 2 huge dogs in case that proves ineffective!